Project Twin Flame


2/5/2023: Plans to make the film addressing it is somewhat in a work in progress but is yet to be determine to enter the production phase as mentioned in this end of 2022 vlog

7/19/2022: A documentary exploring this topic further more is considered a possibility to be made once all other contents from the todo list is close to completion in order to get started on it

9/11/2020: The Music track is Released weeks before the PCP album

6/14/2020: Not only are there plans to release The Savior with some slice updates without the vocals, An unbiased feature length movie like commentary video with a renewed purposes about the individual that inspired this project might be considered after the move to another state.

If the demand is present as well as the motivation is there, it might happen after the release of the PCP album.

3/26/2019: Around 7 AM  A phone call from the women herself with a bit of catching up took place.

She talked about a Dream she had that may foreshadow some plans I have that I never mentioned to her and in a way Restored my desire to complete this track with or without her as mentioned on this A & U.

10/10/2017: Due to very low demand and lack of motivation, project Twin Flame is declared cancelled. It’s a shame to see a collaboration that was left on hold for 3 years go to waste.

The idea for the single track is to create what could have been a masterpiece inspired by The core project that was heavily based on a relationship that no longer exists.

Without her direction, her input, and presences in my life. The project may never go past the development stages.


I’ve first met her sometime in late 2012 but didn’t start the relations until early 2014.

we both had feeling for each other and believe we we’re met to be that On April of 2014 A drawing that was originally made to be a birthday present. Didn’t finish the drawing on time so It’s decided to use it as a cover for a song that was worked on within the rest of that year.

With a history of misunderstanding and personal struggles coming from the director’s end, it has Unfortunately been abandoned on September of 2014

Rare Preview of the two versions back in 2014 Can be seen here

but on mid 2015 it ended with me ending the relationship due to her negotiation only to regret that desiccation shortly afterwards. And on Christmas Day of 2015 contact has been blocked for about 4 months

The song she directed  is no longer in contact falling in obscurity leaving her with the last remaining copies of the raw alpha and previously rendered project files in her possession.

I’ve been chasing her ever since. I’ve manage to get back in contact by other means but Had Messages and conversations that have taken months or even years to respond.

Originally called: The Savior which is now renamed to Twin Flame on September of 2016.

Reworking with version 3.5 to a more dynamic and revamped to a more modern sound while adding vocal sampling to move it up to version 4 when completed.

Side note: There have also been the possibility for plans to recreate a 3D environment of the displayed image of the cover as an animated cover for a music video using the Tesseract Engine with cell shading (if I ever get around starting).

It was to be included in the The Core Album.
Its Launch release was going around 2018 but ended up releasing in mid 2020

Another absence happened on around July of 2020 when I got fed up with waiting for a response And on January of 2021 we’re back in contact once more.

But on March of 2022 I asked a question that lead her to not only want to avoid me even more but resulted in blocking me due to events that happened in her country.


This piece of artwork has so much more meaning than just a passionate pass time between us.

It’s a love to a deeper level that doesn’t compare nor can it be broken.

Until a miracle happens that can jump-start this project or even restore our relationship it was based on and reunite once more.

Project Twin Flame will be in a Weird position Again for Years to come or this whole thing may turn out to be nothing more than Justified Obsession that has affected my life negatively.

This page is still a work in progress and a lot of research needs to be done on this Topic as I have plans to make a video about this concept and a short film when I gain the motivation to work on it as I continue to fall into this rabbit hole I found myself in for many years.

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