The Precognitive Intelligence Mystery – The Ability to Predict Future Events

A phenomenon that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. The term was coined by researcher David Paulides, who has done extensive research on missing 411 and its connection to precognitive intelligence. For centuries, scientists and philosophers have been puzzled by the concept of precognitive intelligence, or the ability to predict future events or outcomes. Read More

PC Accelerator XL Demos

For the Past two or so Decades I have held on to some of obscured demos disk that were rescued from a House fire back in 2019 as well as some other things. So in other words here’s a bit of PCXL history Transcript: PC Accelerator aka (PCXL) was an American personal computer game magazine Read More

Paranormal Conspiracy Paradox Album (PCP)

The Abnormal PCP Album of 5 years in the making is here and it speaks for itself. Inspired and based on close encounters from spirits to flashbacks to extraterrestrials to deep dark secrets filled with mysteries that are yet to be discovered. Taking place in another world in Egypt and various parts of the world Read More

The History and Orgins List of TextBox Mascot and Faces 

What makes this a Textbox? Considering it’s only an eight with a period and a zero inside two brackets, It forms a box-like figurine with a face expression. Unlike traditional mainstream, smileys Textbox has a third eye in which the number eight makes for as well as representing the year it was first introduced. First Read More

The Core Album

The Core Album started in 2013 that marks the second evolution of music from the predecessor Our Story Album. Each song has its own description and short back story found on Sound Cloud. With genre like Electronic, Acid, Ambient, Dub Step & Trap music with experimental tracks with some promotional content. This is the first Read More

Our Story Album

Our Story Started on mid 2008  Hanging out with some friends who are rappers that called themselves by HMI. Unfortunately things didn’t go so well due to conflicted with differences in music making. Around February of 2010, The first song “I Will Rise” Released as an experimental sample inspired by a dream from that same Read More

Text Box Block Party Album

A block party Promotional ASCII Album Cover with our mascot Text box featured. Containing up to 8 tracks Inspired by music based off of Todd Edwards, 808 Pacific and Sonic CD is a beautifully crafted Neo 70s, Deep House, House Funk, Garage, and Synths mixed Album. Perhaps a little something that might sound like it Read More

Who is Eden the mysterious Lady In Red?

From folk lore to pop culture icons this character has been revisited several times in different forms of media made about her.   Little as it’s known she’s based on a possibly real individual from a by gone era. Inspired I even made A theme song in 2015 that can be found from the PCP Read More

From folk lore to pop culture icons this character has been revisited several times in different forms of media made about her.

This Character has been seen on a website called omegle as this vtuber figure intercepting calls and streamers made on Vroid Studio with a masculine voice threw out the second half of 2021.


Little as it’s known she’s based on a possibly real individual from a by gone era.

Inspired I even made A theme song in 2015 that can be found from the PCP Album its on:

Based on a vivid memory I ran deep into the woods as if someone was chasing me, the vision goes like this:

It Was at some point based on a possibly real person who’s no longer living.

Perhaps in a previous life when I was at a hotel during a winter season.



Once I came to a wide opening on some frozen lake There she was.
 During the encounter I was in a state of a strange attraction and confusion mixed as I was intrigued about her.

She came to me without saying a word and looked me into my eyes as if Eden knew me before as if I’m one of the people who needs her or maybe it wasn’t me she was looking at but someone behind me.

Then she disappeared and it ends from there.

From what I have been told she is an important key that has to do with Babylon. She has a relation to Lucifer, she gives off a safe, yet damaged energy or she’s the mother goddess.  

Demons and fallen angel are the most popular, but the possibility of her being them is slim within itself.

In some other instances she’s an archetype of the subconscious mind or perhaps a witch from another reality like a ghost, similar to the White Lady, but according to legend it’s more specifically attributed to a jilted lover or woman of vanity who’s figure is thereby seen as a victim of objectification.

I have always wondered if she’s a ghost/demon or someone with the ability to communicate in that matter showing me a memory from the past or an event that’s yet to happen.

Who Was this mysterious Lady In Red? a Lost soul? A messenger? The love of my life? or an assassin sent to go after me? These are just one of the possible theories that remains a mystery and there’s no way to tell if ill ever see her again.


UPDATE 5/6/2022: A Video about this topic is in the works

Also it is believed that who I saw could be the spirit of this particular Lady In Red is the one found at Egypt Plantation discovered in 1969 (currently residing in Odd Fellows Cemetery) in a Fisk Iron Casket in which is determined she passed away around the mid-1800s just as I can recall from that flash back.

Some day I’ll go visit her to see for myself if it is who I believe to be her.

There’s so many questions about her that is yet to be answered.


Lady In Red created for Land Rider by Anna
Sleepyhead on IMVU. P.S.: the character is a replica of an artwork made by (a certain) Lili.


This Drawing of lady in red made by Roxy