Android Open Source Project – Recommendations For Your Phone, Tablet and Other Types of Devices

Most Android phones/tablets are much closer to becoming just as usable as Desktop PC’s from playing Retro Emulated and the latest AAA Game titles to Productivity and Content Creations Apps to a degree and can even expand further when the device is Boot loader Unlocked with a Custom ROM plus Full Root access reaching it’s Read More

Video Call Middle Man Interception Technique – A Comprehensive Future Proofed Guide

– DISCLAIMER – The following method can be used to Perform a deceptive man in the middle interception. We are not responsible for the damaged done by others. Malicious use is not condoned and maybe illegal by applicable law – Introduction – For awhile it has been very little known on how its possible to Read More

Frutiger Aero OS known As Windows Longhorn – The Vista That Never Came To Be

Longhorn was the code name for the planned successor of Windows XP. The project was reset and replaced with a new project – Longhorn Omega-13 which was later renamed Windows Vista. Early builds of Windows Vista were often referred to as “Longhorn”, causing confusion. Windows code name Longhorn is, without a doubt, the most visually-exciting time in Windows development. Read More

PC Accelerator XL Demos

For the Past two or so Decades I have held on to some of obscured demos disk that were rescued from a House fire back in 2019 as well as some other things. So in other words here’s a bit of PCXL history Transcript: PC Accelerator aka (PCXL) was an American personal computer game magazine Read More

Kodi – Any Music, Movie, TV show, & Gaming in one place

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to legal troubles like the passing of Article 13 and the EU ban, the unofficial repositories contains streaming services that maybe illegal in most countries that infringe in anti-piracy and anti-copyright laws. To prevent any ISP or law enforcement from tracing your online activities It is highly recommended to use a VPN Read More

Brave – Web browser And Extensions to Add

Like Firefox, Brave fights malware and prevents tracking, keeping your information safe and secure as their servers neither see nor store your browsing data that it stays private, on your devices, until you delete it. Which means your data will never be sold to third parties for advertisers that will compromise your privacy. You can Read More

My First 8 GTK themes For A Linux Desktop

As a formal Linux user who enjoys customizing themes for any desktop environment that supports gtk2 and gtk3 even on non gtk DE’s out there. I’ve created them based off Legacy content up to more modern ,darker ,dynamically complementary colored themes seen on this website. Here are the following GTK themes that can be found Read More

As a formal Linux user who enjoys customizing themes for any desktop environment that supports gtk2 and gtk3 even on non gtk DE’s out there.
I’ve created them based off Legacy content up to more modern ,darker ,dynamically complementary colored themes seen on this website.
Here are the following GTK themes that can be found on this list below.

  1. BIO – An L-Core 1.x default theme for the Operating System included in every ISO and IMG alike.
  2. Sharp Edge Matter – The 2018 Dark Color scheme from This website.
  3. Purple Wave -Simply A Purple Theme for if you like the color [>.0]/
  4. Dark BIO – The Admin colors of the Root users Desktop or panel.
  5. Autumn Gold – A Golden theme for Autumn that was Used with Project Twin Flame.
  6. LR7Style08 – Based on the legacy from a custom winamp skin and MySpace from 2008 recreated as historically accurate as possible.
  7. PCP – A Dark Red theme inspired by the Paranormal Conspiracy Paradox Album Cover Colors.
  8. Mono Chrome Winter – A White theme for a monochrome or Winter Based Setting similar to Lady In Red.

This is something to share as a means to have a more personal touch to the Linux Desktop anyone can have.

Main Download Link


L-Core The Platform Agnostic Operating System Environment

The First of its kind Made by LR7 Due to a Saturation amount of Distributions already available, There’s no real need to create yet another OS under someone Else’s preference as an Ideal OS. So Why not give the user what they really wanted and avoid the need to uninstall programs they won’t use. If Read More