A & U – 2019 So far and 2020 plans for the future

2019 has been a fairly eventful year despite the fact that I had some losses I’ve had to deal with. So some reason Christmas felt very short lived but I have received presents from relatives and one from the other side of the world so that was nice to have. As much as I would Read More

A & U – A Major Shift is taking place, Mid February Updated

The beginning of the new year had brought in some major changes that nearly caught me off guard. A quick overview on whats happening so far From a good number of services like Wii shop shutting down, Machinima channel has been removing all their videos from YouTube and Google Plus being discontinued this April due Read More

End of the year over view update 12/29/2018

That year has been more of a financial growth especially from the government contract that I was involved that lasted for five months making it a bit more affordable to do certain things. There’s also a number of things that took place but unfortunately traveling out-of-state isn’t one of them. In 2019 there’s gonna be Read More

A & U – Plans for This Year, Some News, Early June Updates

Some good 5 months of working full-time at some Government Contract Job and very limited computer and Human resources later, I finally got stuff to posts about for my nearly non existing audience. This summer is gonna be an Adventure good or bad and I may also need some help along the way. Its a Read More

Firefox – Recommended Addons for Privacy and Functionality 

Mozilla Foundation’s Fire Fox. At the core of it’s most privacy-focused browsers to date, It’s open source so anyone can view the code available to anyone who wants it and will not collect private info like the big data-mining corporations, like Google’s Chrome, Apple’s Safari and even Microsoft’s Edge (Internet Explore). Here I have a Read More

Announcements and Updates 11/23/2017

From updating my website to internet freedom under attack, there’s quite a lot of different things I wanted to get on but due to a really low budgets and lack of motivation (not to mention  the number of items to scratch off this websites to-do-list left unfinished) I’ll have to leave many of the side Read More